Hey all! Hope your sprite animations are going well.
In reguards to my tutorial SDR, I have listed you can PM with any problems.
If I may be so kind to ask however, please do not send me any more messages asking me where to get sprite sheets. A quick google search or whatever engine you prefer to use will get you pretty much whatever you need, be it sprites or backgrounds or sounds or anything.
Also for those of you having trouble with faulty or jpeg'd sheets, open the picture in Fireworks or Photoshop and use the Magic Wand tool to remove the excess. Easiest way to do it!
Thank you though for all your support and keep your questions coming if you need help. Once I get alot of free time and more flash experiance here in college, I will be making a major overhaul to SDR like I promised, one that'll cover all the bases and hopefully will answer all questions right off the bat. Plus it will look more 8-bit and just plain cool.
Later gators...
I cant wait man, you're so cool. Thanks to you, i have began making a cool sprite movie. Thank you and i cant wait for this movie! Take Care and hope you release it soon!